Pilgimage of St. John Nepomuk Neumann BOOK TOUR

Visit the birthplace of a Roman Catholic Czech-American Saint

In the Footsteps of St. John Nepomuk Neumann

He was bishop of Philadelphia, lauded for his service to the poor, his aid to migrant families in the U.S. of the early 1800s, and steering the diocese through an area of violent persecution.  But the Czechs rightfully claim him as their own – he was born in Bohemia after all, in the beautiful town of Prachatice.  Many American Catholics know his name, especially those in Pennsylvania where he lived and served many years, but few of them know the world in which he was raised: how it formed him and ultimately pushed him towards the New World. There he would become a respected leader and eventually the first and only canonized U.S. Bishop.

Saintly bishops.  Given the current ecclesial crisis in the United States, the phrase almost sounds like a luxury, but is, in fact, demanded by their office.  St. John Nepomucene Neumann knew his share of trials, temptation, and even despair, and nevertheless placed the needs of his suffering flock before his own needs and desires.  This “simple” Czech, then, seems like a good intercessor for his brother bishops, one to encourage them, as he did, to “lay down [their lives] for [their] sheep.”

Looking for clues into Neumann´s character?  Looking for a chance to experience a bit of this saint´s early life?  A pilgrimage to his hometown of Prachatice would offer fantastic, and beautiful, insights into his formative years, and so much more.  Because of it´s distance from Prague, we would advise an overnight stay in the city, and we would certainly invite you to a longer 4- or even 5-day pilgrimage.   Five days could easily be filled with visits to the town of his seminary, Českě Budejovice, the Redemptorist shrine, Sváta Hora, and offer ample time to enjoy the beauty of the Šumava Mountains.  On quiet mountain trails, solitary crucifixes and moss-covered saints hint at the region´s more recent history, where the memories of World War II and Communism lie just below some fallen leaves.  We do not truly need to mention that Český Krumlov, one of the most beautiful (and, yes, touristed) towns in the Czech Republic, could also be a stop on a multi-day pilgrimage. This tour, however, will strive for the solitary path, and a quiet contemplation of the life of this Saint.

Price Based on Request

(size of group and number of days)